My Illustrious Backyard Beehive

Inside a hive

The Original Hive

My beehive from last year

This is my beehive I setup last year after catching the bees in a "swarm trap" that my dad builds as a hobby. I became interested in the hobby after seeing my dad's hive and helping him take care of his bees. It is a very interested hobby. We have able to rob hives several times and have bottled several gallons of honey. Sadly, the bees I caught last year vacated the hive that is pictured so I will be starting over this year.

It is my hope to be able to have enough hives so I will be able to sell some of the honey as a side gig or just be able to give it away. It is fascinating top watch honey bees at work flying in and out of the hives. They only have a short life span. It is a very small amount of honey they are able to produce during that lifespan too. Although I have been stung several times (it hurts too depending on the toxicity of the vemon for a particular bee), it is still enjoyable to work with them. I do have a half suit that helps.

Tools Of The Trade

Equipment That Is A Must
Item # Equipment Name Approximate Price
1 Bee Suit (Optional) $132.33 (Optional)
2 Half Suit $35.99
3 Supplies Starter Kit $48.99
4 10-Frame Bee Hive $218.99
5 Swarm Trap $24.84
6 Lemongrass Oil $15.00
Total Price = $476.14